45+ Most Collar Bone Tattoos Names

Collarbone tattoos can highlight one of the most attractive parts of the human body. These tattoos, which can be placed on both men and women range from delicate and dainty to fierce and powerful. Usually designed to stretch the length of the collarbone on one side or both, they look fantastic in a singlet top.

The art of tattoos has been around for thousands of years and although the designs have evolved the permanence is still the same. It seems that over the past few years the visual art of tattoos has made its way back into the mainstream. It is not uncommon to see people around the world inked on many different body parts and in many different fashions.

When thinking of the placement of a tattoo the limits run only as far as the skin in which we possess. There are many areas of the body that are tattooed far more than other locations such as the collarbone. Collarbone tattoos are seen on both males and females and the styles are endless. Many would say that the collarbone is one of the more painful locations to get tattooed but with the amount of people choosing to get it done it is safe to say that the pain does not deter many.

The styles that seem to grace the collarbone range from full chest pieces to dainty and delicate wording. Many people choose to get a collarbone tattoo to make a statement or to share what they believe in while others use the area to make an artistic statement or accentuate the collarbone itself. Either way it is clear to see that collarbone tattoos may not be just a trend but are here to stay.

The most popular collarbone tattoos spotted are word or sayings in a many number of fonts and detail level. All genders bravely wear mottos or phrases that are inspirational or meaningful to the individual. These tattoos can range from a single word to extravagantly detailed sayings.

Script Tattoos

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These ornate script tattoos enable one to really show their beliefs and true colors through the phrase they choose. Most of the time collarbone phrase tattoos in script are in simple black and grey ink. Unlike other words or phrases tattooed on the collarbone these script tattoos are most often centered across the chest and generally sit directly under the collarbone itself.

These script tattoos although they are very simplistic they can be very expressive of the person flaunting them. Many people use the collarbone to share a piece of their selves with the world. The detail that goes into these tattoos is crucial so it is important to choose an artist that does very good line work.

Delicate Font Tattoos


On the other spectrum of the words and phrase tattoos are those typically adorning the female collarbone. These are the delicate and less detailed words and phrases. These are typically smaller in size and more minimalist in detail.

These collarbone tattoos offer more freedom in size and fonts than script tattoos. Many times tattoo artists will have many font resources for you to search through if you are unsure of what exactly you want.

The placement of these more dainty tattoos usually varies along the collarbone as well. Sometimes they are centered across the chest under the collarbone as well, but they often times vary in where they are located. Another reason these types of collarbone tattoos are more expressive than traditional script tattoos is that artistic expression can be put into how they are laid out. These tattoos can be placed in irregular and unsymmetrical positions.

There is no set standard on where these tattoos go as they can fit anywhere. They can be tattooed above or below the collarbone, over the collarbone and be positioned in whatever is aesthetically pleasing to you and your tattoo artist.

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Single Word Tattoos

Although the collarbone is a great place for quotes and phrases many find that all they need is one word to accentuate the collarbone.  Words that are normally chosen are those that the individual draws inspiration or strength from. They can act as motivators or reminders for the person possessing the tattoo.

Tiny Symbol Tattoos

Many people especially women wish to have a collarbone tattoo but opt out of something that overtakes the whole chest. Many women are choosing for cute and tiny tattoos strategically placed on their collarbone. Many in society believe that these collarbone tattoos add sexiness to an already sensual body part.

These wordless tattoos range from single images like stars and hearts to a group of small tattoos along the collarbone. Recently birds, bats, and music notes have grown in popularity, as many women seem to be getting these images tattooed on the collarbone. The reason these tattoos have become so popular in this area of the body is because when tattooed they offer a great sense of movement that matches the flow of the collarbone greatly. It is fair to say that the collarbone is becoming a very feminine place to get a tattoo.

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The Banner Tattoo

Another very traditional style of tattoo to have gracing your collarbone is the banner. These sometimes have words in them and sometimes they don’t’. Although the banner tattoo is a traditional tattoo it is easily personalized on the collarbone. Some get scrolling banners across the front of their chest while others get a banner intertwined among an image. Often times banner tattoos include names and dates usually in memorial of someone special.

The Sacred Heart Tattoo

The Sacred Heart is a symbol of Jesus Christ’s love and has long been a staple in the tattoo community. Many choose to get his symbol inked directly on and below their collarbone to show their personal beliefs and because of how well it fits and centers on the chest.

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Coffin Tattoos

Coffin tattoos have also been a collarbone trend. Many people state that the coffin symbolizes mortality, acting as a reminder of the short amount of time we actually have. Wings or traditional style roses most often surround the coffin when it is centered just under the collarbone.

Because of the amount of area surrounding the collarbone these tattoos can easily turn into entire chest pieces meaning that they continue down across the chest or even make their way up the neck. Collarbones tattoos are sometimes hard to distinguish because they cover more area than just the collarbone.

As well as other tattoos collarbone tattoos are seen in both black and grey and color. As any tattoo the imagination is the limit of what can be inked onto the skin.

These huge collarbone tattoos can be extremely painful and take many different sessions to complete. Depending on the tattoo shop these tattoos as well as any other can be expensive as well. It is important to consider the consequences of getting any tattoo especially a chest tattoo. Making sure that a chest tattoo is right for you is essential due to the pain and investment involved.

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